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SubjectOLS talk/BOF
Andrew Hutton, the guy doing all the hard work organizing OLS, told me
there is an open slot because a speaker canceled. I'm wondering if there
would be any interest in filling that slot, which is 14:45 on Wednesday.
If you are going to OLS and any of these interest you, check off the
one you want and drop me a mail. Thanks.

[ ] Cort and I could talk about the OS clustering stuff which has been
discussed on the list recently. If there are a handful of people
who want to talk about this, this would be my first choice. My
goal is to make as many people as possible understand what it is
that I mean, it's more subtle than it looks, Linus didn't understand
for years that there was shared memory between the OS instances, which
gives me a hint that maybe I've done a poor job of explaining things.

[ ] 6 months of kernel development in BitKeeper, what worked, what doesn't.
I can do status, talk about what I know needs work, but I'm most
interested in hearing users complaints. If the same things emerge
over and over, that's a strong indication of what we need to fix.
I'm also interested in hearing about whether is working
well for you, we're thinking about adding another T1 line and I want
to know if people want that or not.

[ ] BK tutorial. Andrew indicated that there was a fair amount of interest
in this.

[ ] BitKeeper licensing, why it is the way it is. Richard Gooch had a private
converation with me at the end of which he said "You need to go to OLS and
tell people what you told me, the model makes a lot more sense after
hearing that". I understand that the BK licensing model is not well
loved but it might be less hated if you understood that it is a good
faith attempt to make things work for everyone. I think that Richard's
point was that that was a lot more clear after talking to me.

[ ] No talk, just free beer. I'll buy :)

See you next week,
Larry McVoy lm at
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