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SubjectFrame Relay stack on Linux

We are developing Frame Relay stack on Linux 2.4 kernel.
It's implemented as a dynamically loadable software module and it is
as a network driver. Frame Relay module uses the services of lower
hardware driver module for transmission & reception of data packets.

Working of Frame Relay stack:

FR task is initiated after loading the module using socket
ioctl interface. Once initiated FR task goes to sleep waiting
for events. It uses interruptible_sleep_on kernel function.

There can be 3 different events which can wake up the FR task.

1. When the Frame Relay NIC gets packet from network ,lower driver
process it as part of interrupt processing and wake up the FR task
using wake_up_interruptible kernel function. FR task will
process the packet and call netif_rx function to give the packet to IP

2. When IP layer sends packet through FR stack it invokes Frame Relay
transmit function which will wake up the FR task
using wake_up_interruptible kernel function. FR task
will process it and
send it using lower hardware driver.

3. After transmitting the packet FR NIC card interrupts the lower driver
which will again wake up the FR task using wake_up_interruptible
kernel function. This indicates transmit completion to the FR task and
it schedules next packet to be transmitted.

After processing the event FR task again go back to the main loop
again waiting for events.

Problem Description :

FR stack is crashing when TELNET/FTP application is run.
It's crashing on the server side i.e., machine which accepts the

It panics when FR task goes to sleep (by calling interruptible_sleep_on
function ) after calling netif_rx fuction. This kernel function in turn
calls schedule() and while executing schdule() function do_page_fault()
is getting invoked and system panics.

But PING through FR stack is working absolutely fine. We have written
socket application program for data transfer through FR stack. For UDP
socket (SOCK_DGRAM) data transfer goes fine , but when data transfer
goes through TCP socket (SOCK_STREAM) it panics at the same place as
when we run telnet/ftp application i.e., in schedule function.

For testing the stack Uniprocessor machine is used.
Can anyone help me to solve this problem?

Please do CC to as I have not registered in the
Mailing List.



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