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SubjectRe: kdb wishlist

I have worked on the making md/mm take the width option using BYTESPERWORD.
I will be happy to work on this.

Regards.. Vamsi.

Vamsi Krishna S.
Linux Technology Center,
IBM Software Lab, Bangalore.
Ph: +91 80 5262355 Extn: 3959

Keith Owens <> on 05/08/2001 05:39:42 PM

Please respond to Keith Owens <>

cc: (bcc: S Vamsikrishna/India/IBM)
Subject: kdb wishlist

This is part of my kdb wishlist, does anybody fancy writing the code to
add any of these features? It would be a nice project for anybody
wanting to start on the kernel. Replies to please.
Current patches at

* Change kdb invocation key from ^A to ^X^X^X within 3 seconds. ^A is
used by emacs, bash, minicom etc.

* Command history. Handle up/down/left/right/delete keys. Each
kdba_io routine is responsible for recognising the arch specific
keys, with a common history and editting routine.

* Clean up repeating commands. Pressing enter at the kdb prompt
repeats the previous command, no matter what the previous command
was. Some commands it makes no sense to repeat (bp in particular),
for other commands you want to repeat the command but without the
parameter (md in particular).

* Embed width and count options in md and mm commands. Some hardware
requires that accesses be a specific width, this can be achieved by
setting BYTESPERWORD but it is awkward. We want md1 to read one
byte, md2, md4, md8 commands. All can have a count field, e.g.
md1c8 reads 8 bytes one at a time. mm1, mm2, mm4, mm8 to set memory
no count field.

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