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SubjectVariable Block Chains in ll_rw_block()


This morning I tried what you suggested last night, and saw some issues
with the Adaptec SCSI driver doing an Oops when I tried 1024-512-1024
with the block check removed on 2.2.16. The IDE driver did not barf
but when I tried it on a mirrored system with SCSI disk I got an Oops,
so I think perhaps there may be some drivers this will break.

If it is your intent that this be removed to allow variable block sectr
requests (this idea of yours is great BTW) then I will submit a PATCH
and I guess we'll just see how many drivers this breaks. Someone needs
to write a test harness that will send all kinds of variable size blocks
chains to test all the drivers. Since it's me who's breaking the world
here with this, is this my job?

I am going over the diff info. Patch will be up in about an hour. I
think a ton of shit is going to be busted with this, but oh well. I
apologize for being so vitriolic last night, with the Novell layoffs
there's a lot of stress around Utah Valley right now and a lot of my
friends are getting hit. One of them attempted suicide two days ago (He
shot himself, but survived, we visitied him at the hospital yesterday)
so I am sorry I was so weird last night.

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