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Subject/var/spool/news on ext3fs, no go ?


I am currently (still) in the process of setting up a small-to-medium
Mail/WWW/NIS/NFS server, and was crazy enough to try toying with ext3.

The first tests were satisfactory, with hard resets in the middle of
a few tar xf's and kernel compiles, both local and via NFS, and the
system recovered gracefully - although I subsequently found quite a
few files in lost+found after running e2fsck manually.

However, I was suggested to stress it using a news spool ; I set up
INN with the timehash storage method, and watched articles come in.

And every day for a week INN has crashed, complaining that it couldn't
create files in the spool. Indeed, one could find directories with zero
size there (even . and .. would be missing) and a manual e2fsck recovers
articles in lost+found.

Strangely, this happens systematically (but not exclusively) after the
7:30 crontab, which isn't really related to INN (the expire runs way
earlier, at 0:15). And I wasn't able to reproduce the problem by manually
running the cron jobs.

Of course, the problem no longer shows up after moving the spool onto
an ext2 partition.

The machine is a Dell PowerEdge 2400 (dual PIII-500, Adaptec AIC-7890
U2W SCSI adapter, no RAID, Intel EtherExpress 100 network adapter)
running Debian-frozen and kernel 2.2.17pre14 + ext3-0.0.2f + NFSv3
(Dave Higgen's merge 3.0).

If you want to try some other tests on that machine before I switch
back to regular ext2, it's still not in production but should be RSN
(I've been saying that for months... :-( )

Thank you,
Cedric Ware.

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