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SubjectRe: Definitions
On Thu, 10 Aug 2000, Jeff Mcadams wrote:

>If you want people to continue to read your email, you'll want to abide
>by these guidelines, or some close approximation to them. If your mail
>reader/composer can't handle this easily, then you might consider
>getting a different mail reader/composer, or since balsa is open source,
>hacking on it to fix it (balsa is a mail reader for GNOME, for those who
>aren't familiar with it).

Now that you mention it, I do remember it. I forgot about
it. Balsa *IS* a broken mailer. Talk about the water calling
the kettle black eh? Heheh.. ;o)

Homey says WHO should fix their mailer? Shit, MS Outlook doesn't
munge messages as bad as that. Balsa is nothing more than a very
light wood used in modelling. From what I see, it should stay
that way. ;o)

>FWIW, I use mutt with vim and generally don't even have to *think* about
>abiding by these guidelines since my default setup abides by them pretty
>well. Took a few incantations in my .vimrc which I would be happy to
>share with anyone needing them.

Yessiree.. I use PINE, and have my right margin set to 72 I
think. It was 65 but it seems an upgrade changed it. I like 65
better - for sending. As long as things don't go jaggies or all
on one line in received mails, they get read. Most other times I
just hit delete. If someone says "tough luck" they will end up
hitting my killfile instantly, and likely a good portion of the
rest of their readership.

>Oh, and if I get email messages with no visible text, I generally delete
>it unread, unless something indicates to me that it might be worth the
>extra effort to get to the text.

Damned straight! I am on 40-50 mailing lists and I don't have
time for mail that doesn't follow common Netiquette. I'd like to
write a new procmailrc called "pm-netiquette" that automatically
files all RFC1855 non-conforming mail into a junk file that gets
extreme low priority.

Mike A. Harris Linux advocate
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