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SubjectRe: Definitions
Also sprach Michael W Zappe
>Mutt and emacs originally. Basla 0.8 after that.

>Maybe you guys should just go get a mail reader that can do word
>wrapping FOR YOU, since doing it myself is a royal pain in the ass
>since I ususally EDIT my emails before sending them. And have no
>trouble reading my own mail.

>Pray tell, what is the "standard" linux mail setup? May I be
>enlightened to the holy levels that the ubergeeks on the list have


Word-wrap at approximately 72 columns, text/plain in, or out of a MIME
attachment...if the text is in a MIME attachment, use quoted-printable
encoding or some other encoding that leaves the text readable to those
that don't have MIME support in their mail-readers (could be
multi-part/aternative or something like that).

Again...this isn't just etiquette for this list...this is how email has
been done (done right anyway) for *years*.

If you want people to continue to read your email, you'll want to abide
by these guidelines, or some close approximation to them. If your mail
reader/composer can't handle this easily, then you might consider
getting a different mail reader/composer, or since balsa is open source,
hacking on it to fix it (balsa is a mail reader for GNOME, for those who
aren't familiar with it).

FWIW, I use mutt with vim and generally don't even have to *think* about
abiding by these guidelines since my default setup abides by them pretty
well. Took a few incantations in my .vimrc which I would be happy to
share with anyone needing them.

Oh, and if I get email messages with no visible text, I generally delete
it unread, unless something indicates to me that it might be worth the
extra effort to get to the text.
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