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SubjectKernel Panic: scsi_free:Trying to free unused memory

Getting this error:

Kernel Panic: scsi_free:Trying to free unused memory
In interrupt handler - not syncing

Then machine is basically toast. Of course, it could certainly be due
to the configuration of the machine. It's got the MOSIX patch, the latest RAID
patch (2.2.10, put out by someone not from the normal RAID crew, I believe), and
kernel 2.2.10.
It's got a AMI Megaraid, BusLogic BT958D, Adaptec 2940UW and a parellel
zip drive on it. A couple of 30G RAID-0 partitions that are brought into a RAID-1
setup. It's also on a Abit BP6 motherboard, with 366Mhz Celeron processors running
overclocked (I know, I know) at 550mhz.
The strange thing about this all is that this error is consistant. Very
consistant, and damn near regular. W/ MOSIX-0.92.3 it was about every 26 hrs I
would get this error, and it happened 3 times, exact same error, almost exactly
26 or so hrs from the last reboot. I installed MOSIX-0.93 and it happened in about
8 or 9 hrs, IIRC. I've rebooted it, we'll see what happens now. I had been compiling
w/ gcc272, I've switched over to egcs so that if it happens again I can just reboot
and try the egcs-compiled version and see what happens.

Again, as I said it could be the machine somehow, but it's consistant so
I figured I'd report it, just curious if anyone else has seen anything like this or
what might be causing this.


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