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SubjectRe: ANNOUNCE: 32-bit UID patch for Linux 2.0, 2.2

Thanks for writing back.

> The quota code doesn't appear to be updated. I know this will break backwards
> compatibility and the quota code in general needs to be redone, but it should be
> done or at least be put on the to do list.

I've already corresponded with Jan Kara <>,
who has been working on the quota code, it turns out that quota works
properly more or less without any changes-- one thing, though, is that due
to the structure of the quota file, you can't set quotas for the full
32-bit UID range (it works only up to about 26 bits, or 64 million users).
Beyond that, you exceed the maximum filesize (2GB) for the quota file on
32-bit systems. I bet that on systems that support 64-bit file sizes
(Alpha and Ultrasparc for now) there wouldn't be any problems.

In any case, the user quota utilities bog down to useless speed when
dealing with a quota file that big. (the kernel is fine)

This doesn't break backwards compatibility, in any case, but other changes
to the quota system in the future likely will.

> The /proc filesystem needs to have a few things updated as well, things like
> /proc/<pid>/status list the uid & gid of the owning process, otherwise ps is
> going to break (though it will need updating anyway).

From the code, this shouldn't be a problem:

sprintf( ... "Uid:\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", "Gid:\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", ...
p->uid, p->euid, p->suid, p->fsuid, .... etc)

Likewise, the ps program seems to be using type 'int' to parse /proc, as
it doesn't have a problem displaying the information.


Chris Wing

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