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SubjectGlibc2.1 == libc7 !!
Somebody has got to die. (Yeah this is off topic. TOUGH!)

Can anyone give me SOME reason why glibc 2.1 is not formally linked as libc7
under Linux? For the most part things compiled on glibc seg fault
if run against glibc 2.0. Now glibc 2.0 and 2.1 could peacefully co exist
IF glibc 2.1 specific programs as linked as /lib/libc7.

Same problem with the devel includes. I need to compile for strictly
glibc 2.0 for a platform for AT LEAST the next 6 months. Life is going to be
hell. I need to hand fit all the junk instead of a pretty altdev debian package
like with libc5.

Who's fuck up is this?!?! Let them come forth and be scourged to death!

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