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SubjectRe: 2.1.10[56] parallel port problems - starts with 2.1.104
On Wed, 17 Jun 1998, Henrik Storner wrote:

> I wrote:
> >In 2.1.105 and .106, printing is essentially broken for me. It seems
> >as if "flow control" does not work - the print-outs I get have missing
> >lines, garbled data and look just plain awful. Oddly, there seems to
> >be no errors, warnings or other messages logged anywhere - as far as
> >Linux and lpd are concerned, everything looks fine and dandy.
> I've narrowed down the problem to the parport patches that went into
> 2.1.104. This update breaks printing on my system; using polled mode

The parport patch 104 should be my work, it fix the printing for another
guy that has problems with ECP dma. Today I am very busy (I had to replace
a broken HD in a server at the ISP of my city where I work) then I' ll
try to fix your problem but I need your help for the testing.

At first I need to understand if your parallel port need a write in the
ECR register and if it need 0xc as value.

So please reverse the 104 patch and replace parport_write_econtrol(...,
0xc) with parport_write_econtrol(..., 0x0) in probe_one_port if I remember
well (I have no code here).

> or interrupt-driven mode does not make any difference in the output.


> That I can use interrupt-driven mode is actually an improvement - until
> now, that mode has always been 100% broken with my system. And indeed,
> the patch does include a note that the interrupt handling was modified
> to cater for a "buggy handshake" on some HP and Epson printers.

The workaround was my work too. I' m happy to get good reports ;-).

> >The printer is an Epson Color Stylus II.
> The parallel port is built into the motherboard, an FIC PA-2007 using
> the VIA VP2 chipset. The BIOS setup of the parallel port is
> * I/O port 0x378, IRQ 7
> * EPP/SPP mode
> * EPP type 1.9

The parport patches should make no differences since with EPP mode the ECR
register should not exists (and so writing to it should be a nosense).
Also I use EPP in my parallel port and works like a charm.

Can you show me a `cat /proc/parport/0/*`?

> >The parport driver is completely modular, with options
> > alias char-major-6 lp
> > alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc
> > options parport_pc io=0x378
> (I tried interrupt-driven mode by adding "irq=7" to that options-line).


> >Log messages when the module loads:
> > parport0: PC-style at 0x378 [SPP,PS2,EPP]
> > parport0: no IEEE-1284 device present.
> > lp0: using parport0 (polling).


Be quiet with your help we' ll fix the problem soon.

Andrea[s] Arcangeli

PS. I have not the start of the thread here so excuse me it there are
repetitions in this email.

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