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SubjectIDE spin-up improvement?

Is it possible to shorten the time the kernel needs to
check the IDE drives?

By now it works here as follows:

[Kernel checks for hda]
- hda okay
[Kernel checks for hdb]
- hdb spins up (several seconds, since it^s an old Seagate)
[Kernel checks for hdc]
- CDROM okay
[Kernel checks for hdd]
- hdd spins up (old Quantum 730MB, needs some additional seconds)

Isn^t it possible to send a little command to the IDE drives
causing them to spin-up some time *before* actually checking
the drives? The drives could initialize while the kernel would
continue to construct its components. It takes additional 20
seconds here because these two drives are mostly "holded".
And the IDE code only waits for them to reply. :-(

I^m not a Kernel Guru[tm], maybe the Kernel is not multithreaded
in this initialization phase? I^d really like this speedup,
is this possible?

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