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SubjectRe: GGI Project Unhappy On Linux
On Thu, 26 Mar 1998, Riley Williams wrote:

> >>> GGI Project Unhappy On Linux!
> Most of this, I can't comment on, but there's a few points I can
> make...
> 1. I provide a UK mirror for GGI, so anybody this side of the pond
> wishing to have a look at it can. URL is:
That's what I used to d/load GGI ;-)

> >> a) Tridents are SHIT! Nobody uses them and who does, either
> >> simply cannot afford a better card or doesn't know what are
> >> graphics cards for. Well, no comments...
> > Fine, you cannot afford a decent card. That is OK.
> Alternatively, he may not be able to get hold of anything else. A
> friend of mine on the African continent reports that the ONLY
> video cards generally available are Trident cards, so shit or
> otherwise, they have to use them...
Hey, just a sec! ;-))) Poland is not a third world - believe me! ;-)))
We've got all what you can buy in all the other countries of the world. I
explained my point on the issue somewhere else, so I won't repat it. I just
want to agree with your opinion, Riley. Besides the latest Trident cards
aren't that bad - accelleration, true color modes, high clock frequences are
all there.

...and a devil in a black tress watches over
my guardian angel walks away...
Life is shorten, love is always over in the morning
Black wind come carry me far away!

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