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Subjectdirectory sread error on 2.0.27
On our P5/90 2.0.27 system (RedHat 4.1 mostly), the following command
(run at 1am by the cron daemon):

/usr/bin/updatedb --localpaths='' --netpaths='/' --netuser=nobody \
--prunepaths='/tmp /proc /mnt /var/tmp /var/spool /dev /home \
/net /.automount' 2> /dev/null

regularly produces the following errors in the /var/log/messages:

Mar 27 01:03:32 dove kernel: Directory sread (sector 32) failed
Mar 27 01:03:32 dove kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Mar 27 01:03:32 dove kernel: 02:00: rw=0, want=16, limit=2

It's an IDE drive, PCI bus.

Is this a hardware problem, a kernel problem, or an NFS problem? If
it's a kernel problem, is it already fixed (in which case I'll

I wonder if it is an NFS problem, since some of the directories that
are getting updatedb'ed are across NFS (from SunOS 4.1.4 Sparc-10s).
We're running Universal NFS Server 2.2beta16.

It might also be a hardware problem, since we got this computer from
what turned out to be a slightly dodgy computer store. On boot, the
kernel detects a "buggy RZ1000 inteface" and disables readahead.

Let me know if you need more information. I can't run extensive
tests, since this is a production machine (I'm producing my thesis on
it, which is due shortly).

With thanks,


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