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SubjectRe: [kinda offtopic] cable modems under linux?
On Wed, 1 Apr 1998, BlueFlux wrote:

> I'm sorry for this question, however we are soon getting cable modems
> where i live so i thought i would ask you all if there is any support for
> this in the kernel?(or should this be in userland? nah...)
> I dont need an full answer, just some pointers to what to read and so
> on(and where to find it=)
> Thanks everyone for answering and for taking the time.

Most cable modems that I've seen so far use a standard Ethernet adapter,
so you wouldn't really need any special driver at all. They really plug in
as an attachment to any UTP Ethernet card.. At least Zenith and Lancity
(Bay Networks) are now doing this.

There was a time when some modems from Zenith were using a dedicated
internal card; these cards have never been supported into the Linux kernel
and I haven't seen any driver ported for Linux. These cable-modems are not
produced anymore and chances are that you will be using a new generation
of cable-modems, so go and ask your cable provider what type of modem and
what type of interface are they going to use.. Chances are that you will
only need your Ethernet adapter's driver..

As references, see Also you might want to try, or your cable-modem producer company's
homepage.. (like for instance or

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