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SubjectRe: hardware wrote:
> What JERKS! Do they think that MS is all there is?????


> I bet they think their crap doesn't stink!
> Here's why I'm flaming mad:
> These download files are in Microsoft Word 6.0 format. After
> unzipping, these files can be viewed in any text editor, including
> all versions of Microsoft Word, WordPad, and Microsoft Word Viewer.
> (
> Since when can vi, joe, pico, emacs, jed, zed, MS notepad, ed, MS edlin,
> or MS dos edit read MSword files????????

According to the Redmond company, vi, joe, pico, emacs, jed, zed and
other programs you mentioned are not text editors. Which is what the
average user will think also because the average user doesn't have a
clue what a text file is ('text file is a file that contains text - I
can read and write texts in word' - and that's sufficient proof of
validity of thought for a user who doesn't know what the term 'text
file' means among computer professionals).

> Or is MS now redefineing 'text editor' as something that can edit MS
> propritary format files?


> This is INSULTING. It would be more acceptiable if this were some paper

If you tell a lie a hundred times it will become truth.
- Goebels (the nazi propaganda guy)

> about a MS product.. However, this is the PC spec.. Quite a few PC users
> don't use windows!

Ask the Redmond company about that and see what they have to say about
it (or read the sheet again, it tells it quite clearly).

> I guess that's what I should expect from a company who uses "htm" as the
> extension on their web documents.

blabla.htm -> HTM file (guess where I got that:)

M$ is using some pretty straightforward military psychological tricks.
This is what they're getting in return:
1. a lot of talk about them (free advertising)
2. introducing confusion (more advertising; new users (who don't know
better) will use the new meaning, when a sufficient number of new users
accept the new meaning, it will become common knowledge and the old
meaning will slowly die - notice that they didn't say ASCII text file,
but just a text file - see above how an average user sees a 'text file'
- and, strictly speaking, the average user is RIGHT, so chances are you
won't be successfull explaining that a text file is really an ASCII text
file and not a word document because they are both text files (ie. they
both contain text))
3. interest (even M$-free people go and check the offending text; this
leads to (Good morning, Colombo, has America been discovered yet?) more
free advertising (see 1.))
[now the fun stuff]
4. more advertising -> increased sales
5. more sales -> more money
6. more money -> more power
7. more power -> more agressive propaganda
8. monopoly

The whole computer industry is being mentally RAPED by the Redmond
company. Yet noone seems to notice that.


Andrej Presern,

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