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SubjectRe: GGI and cli/sti in X
: Now there is a problem in that there seems to be no dialog between
: Linus and the GGI developers, so they can work out design glitches,
: and explain reasons for design choices. That appears to be the
: current problem.
: >From what I have seen reading the ggi development list the core group
: in the design are a lot more flexible and reasonable than many of the
: ``GGI'' advocates, and if linus were to talk with them he probably get
: progress made.

You have the cart before the horse. It's /not/ Linus duty or job to talk
to the GGI folks and help them with their pet project. Linus is a busy guy
doing a great job of integrating lots of work from lots of different people.
He told you in an earlier message, a big part of what he does is say "NO"
to ideas that are not done or not well thought out or not appropriate for
the kernel in some other way.

You may not like being told know, that's OK and understandable. Nobody
likes that. The wrong response is to try and get Linus to tell you what
the right answer is. Maybe he will, but you can't count on it, he's busy.
The right response is "is there someone out there with some real kernel
knowledge that might be interested in working through the issues on the
GGI stuff with us?". It's up to you to find this person (or persons) or
teach yourself kernel programming, and get your ideas right /before/ you
submit them to Linus. He's simply too busy to deal with half done code.

Another way to look at it is that Linus is quality control for the kernel
and he's the last line of defense before stuff gets in. Experience has
shown, that despite all good intentions, once bad voodoo gets into the
kernel, it rarely comes back out. Some "important" application somewhere
uses it so it "can't" come out. Anyway, Linus doesn't scale. He can't
possibly keep up with every "great idea" that wants to be in the kernel.
So we really need to surround Linus with some prefilters. And this has
been done. David's doing SPARC & networking, Alan's doing networking,
Ted's doing file systems, etc, etc. In each area, there is a prefilter
before it gets to Linus.

So what you, the GGI crowd, need to do, is go find someone with some
kernel chops who will help shepard your ideas into the kernel, if
indeed they belong there. That person should help you think about
your stuff, point out problems, suggest solutions, etc.

But please, please, please realize that that person is /not/ Linus. So
please stop acting like it's Linus and go find someone else to help you.


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