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SubjectRe: [Off Topic Conspiracy Theories] RE: UDI and Free(tm) Software
David said:

"This brings up another (also off-topic, sorry)
advantage of coding to a UDI interface. If you
can't get the vendors driver to work on your
system and they've coded to a UDI interface,
it's a whole bunch easier to take a
source-available driver from another system and
put it into place to deal with the bugs."

I am too dense, so please educate me on this, and see if my feeble attempt on
logic makes any sense:

Let A = Vendor's driver working on your system.

Let B = Source-available driver from another system.

Let C = Working driver (source) on your system.

What you said essentially is [*]

I. [not A] = [B],

and II. [B] = [C],

therefore [not A] somehow leads to [C], which to you, is satisfactory.

* [A] being optimal and [C] being satisfactory.

Sorry, David, my simple brain just doesn't work this way.

1. If vendor's binary UDI drivers don't work on your system,
what make you think the vendor will release source driver?

2. If there is no source driver for your system, what makes
you think there will be source driver for other systems
- or platforms?

Tried as I may, I just can't agree with your (jumping to) conclusion that there
will be source drivers from other systems available.

If a particular UDI binary driver don't work on system A, it won't work on
system B, C, D and E as well, because they are essentially the _same_ driver,
conforming to the UDI specs.

A side effect of UDI is that encourages the vendors to distribute only binary
drivers, in the same token it also discourages the disclosure of hardware specs
from the hardware vendors. And without the cooperation from the hardware
vendors, the availability of source drivers for hardware will be drastically

BTW, David, I have read many of your message regarding UDI and I find that your
support for UDI have been way too unreasonably giddy.

UDI will only make Linux weaker, *IF* Linux accepts UDI.


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