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SubjectRe: 3rd Party Patches / patches directory

> Is it too much to expect people to look at a web page on the off-chance
> that somebody has written a patch to do what they need to do?

Hmm - I guess you are right and it's not needed to really include it with
the kernel. But imo there are two importand things:

1.) This is _NOT_ thought for bugfixes. Most patch collections I know are
full with bugfixes (and most of this bugs are allready fixed in the
newest version - or the patch does not apply to the newest kernel).
The idea is to have a collection of patches they extend the kernel in
some way (like adding devfs, RT sheduling or more possible processes).

2.) It should be the _official_ site for this stuff - reffered by the
Documentation which comes with the kernel. Otherwise there will be
with time more than just one such site. I don't post my patches to
the existing pages becouse there are so many that it's not possible
to keep all of them up-to-date. If there would be one official kernel
patch archive it would be much easier for me to keep the entry there
up to date all the time and I would use it ...

- clifford

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