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SubjectQuota lockups
> I did quite a bit of stress testing for the quota code and wasn't able to
> trigger any stuck processes. Could you put together a script to reproduce the
> problem?

I posted some time ago the sure way to lock up the quota code: have an
empty 'quota.user' file. Then do something that causes somebody to
allocate space on the device. The file system gets locked once to make the
quota change, then again because the first block of the quota file needs to
be allocated, which requires another quota modification. *Lock*.

Running "quotacheck" before enabling quotas fixes the problem;
unfortunately Red Hat's startup script does it wrong (with the fs
unmounted) so the new quota.user gets written in the wrong place.

The most straightforward fix would be to force the existence of the first
block of the quota file before allowing quotas to be turned on. But this
has the look of the sort of band-aid fix that Linus doesn't like, for good


Jonathan Corbet, Eklektix, Inc.

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