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SubjectRe: PATCH: Unix98 pty support.
Theodore Y. Ts'o <tytso@MIT.EDU> wrote:
> The solution which NetBSD uses for doing emulation (and which I think is
> a good idea), is that when you are running a (for example) Linux binary
> under emulation, file lookups first check to see if the file is in the
> linux directory tree. If the file exists in there, that file is used;
> otherwise, the file lookup uses the normal file.
> This allows NetBSD to put the Linux-specific libraries in
> /linux/usr/lib/... without needing to worry about naming conflicts
> between Linux libraries and NetBSD libraries.

The Linux/Sparc code does this and its wonderful. When you SunOS binary
calls something like open("some_file" ...) the kernel first tries
to open /usr/gnemul/sunos/some_file, and if that fails, it tries some_file.

We have a QA system of perl scripts + external excutables we use here at
work. It was written for SunOS. I can't run it under Solaris without
hacking up an enormous amount of stuff. It runs under Linux with out
any problems, and the reason it does is because of the /usr/gnemul/sunos


Jim Nance Avant! Corporation
(919) 941-6655 Do you have sweet iced tea?
No, but theres sugar on the table.

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