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SubjectRe: 2.1.59: ide / umsdos / pnp / full-duplex audio / awe synth - (corrected)
On Thu, 23 Oct 1997, Nicola Bernardelli wrote:

> I don't follow this mailing list but once in a while in its digest
> form (just as I already have tons of e-mail from other lists), so please
> ignore report of problems if previously mentioned and skip to the second
> part of the message (and please CC to me any answer or request of kernel
> .config file, though I'm planning to stay here for a while now).
> ----------
> P90 with one small ide disk + another SCSI disk.
> Typed 'zless debian-upTo971021.gz' where the .gz file size is 2399706
> bytes (more than 9Mb when gunzipped), and _immediately_ saw the following:
> hda: read_intr: status=0x59 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest Error }
> hda: read_intr: error=0x10 { SectorIdNotFound }, CHS=417/4/1,
> sector=110187
> hda: read_intr: status=0x59 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest Error }
> hda: read_intr: error=0x10 { SectorIdNotFound }, CHS=417/4/1,
> sector=110187
> hda: recal_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
> hda: recal_intr: error=0x02 { TrackZeroNotFound }
> ide0: reset: success
> Waited some seconds but nothing happened, typed ctrl-c and reissued the
> same command, this time successfully, and more and more times with no
> problems. The hda device is an ex-286 85 Mb Fujitsu disk performing maybe
> 1Mb-1.5Mb/sec now attached to one of two ide controllers (what a waste) on
> the motherboard (same transfer rate with the pci and the isa ones), an
> Intel Premiere. I remember I had to put some delay at startup in the bios
> settings for that disk, but the point is just that this thing _never_
> appeared in 1/2 years neary_all_days_same_load_use with the older kernels
> I use to run (same load means hda very seldom read/written if not for LILO
> at boot time).

[snip, other topics not replicated here]

(Please notice that I'm not asking for help or any answer, I'm just

Afterwards, I had similar messages also under 2.0.29, so though "maybe not
a fault of 2.1.59 then". Anyway I moved the contents of that hard disk to
the other one and while doing it I found those errors happened when
reading _one_ sector (and <return> was enough to go on, BTW, no ctrl-c
needed), so just made a new ext2 filesystem on it and had no more errors.
Who had left that bad sector? Was it 2.1.59-related or not? I don't know.
Anyway _now_ - four days later - I was in 2.1.59 (logged in as root on one
only virtual console) and I WAS USING THE OTHER HARD DISK, the SCSI one
(where I was gzipping/gunzipping _some_ files but not the first time
indeed), and I heard the IDE hard disk move (maybe just auto
recalibration) and saw this two lines appear among the ones related to
what I was doing on that other SCSI hard disk:

hda: irq timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy }
ide0: reset: success

(Again, I'm not asking for help or any answer, I'm just reporting. But in
case you want to send me some answer/request-of-further-details please CC
it to me, I'm not on the list any more. Last time Majordomo got crazy and
sent me some tenths digests for one day, that was a pretty long popclient

Nicola Bernardelli <>
Please use <> for messages from any kind of
robot, such as mailing lists. From that address no autoresponse
messages will come, even when I am away for some days.

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