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SubjectRe: Snapshot, 2.1.58 and many fixes
Ok, I'm running 2.1.59-vger-971020 on a couple of machines here;
when I enable ip_forwarding on one of them, the arp table on an
x86 machine running Solaris 2.5.1 gets totally screwed up. Is this
a known problem in either arp implementation? Basically, the arp
table on the Solaris machine (remember - x86) gets entries added
for various ip addresses that contain the mac address of the 2.1.59 vger
system. So, I have an arp table that has a whole bunch of ip's
all resolving to the mac address of one of the interfaces on the linux
system. Any ideas? This is going to be a tough one for me to resolve
if it's not known - particularly during the day here as the solaris x86
box is our main "router".

Dan A. Dickey

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