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SubjectNEC CD-ROM Changers
I have an NEC 4x4 CD Changer (NEC-CD 251) and I've run into a weird
problem. I was using eject -c (slot#), had a set of scripts for selecting
each CD. Only problem is, it couldn't change to Disc0, and it reported

"Use CDROM_SELECT_FROMSLOT instead of CDROM_SELECT" or something similar.

I believe this is what is keeping it from using disc0 (slot0), but I'm not
sure. I went through cdrom.c for a while, and I couldn't find the call to
CDROM_SELECT or whatever it was (I don't have Linux at home right now; the
drive it was on choked, I'm having the data restored, tho.) Is there a
patch out there for this problem? If not, any ideas where to look besides
cdrom.c? I'm considering adding it in the config scripts as a "non-ide or
scsi" CD-ROM due to the fact that it requires this foolish thing in the
firmware. Thanks for your help

-Phillip R. Jaenke (
MIS Department, PC Importers, Inc. 800.319.9284, x4262
"Can I add myself to the budget?"

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