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SubjectRe: Old style ramdisk
   Date: 	Mon, 8 Jul 1996 21:35:31 +0100 (BST)
From: Robert de Bath <>

So, what I'm after is some way to tell Linux that it's a _really_ bad
idea to run code from that area; an old style ramdisk in a module would
do the trick but I can't find one anywhere, does anyone know of one,
so I can upgrade that machine to two too please ? :-)

What I would do:

1. Add an line to your lilo.conf to append a boot argument telling
Linux to restrict the memory use to your low memory (where you have your
fast RAM).

2. Take the old ramdisk driver, and modify it to be loadable as a
kernel module. Step (1) above means that you won't have to do any nasty
boot-time memory allocation, so it will be easy to drop it as a loadable
kernel module.

3. Start swapping on the old ramdisk driver.


It would be more elegant to hack the buffer cache layer so that it
wouldn't try to execute out of high memory, but given how the unified
buffer and page cache, this would be almost impossible. So I'd just
find an easy way to slide in the old-style ramdisk driver.

- Ted

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