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SubjectRe: Old style ramdisk

On Mon, 8 Jul 1996, Robert de Bath wrote:

> So, what I'm after is some way to tell Linux that it's a _really_ bad
> idea to run code from that area; an old style ramdisk in a module would
> do the trick but I can't find one anywhere, does anyone know of one,
> so I can upgrade that machine to two too please ? :-)

Buffer-cache experts : Is there any way to create buffer-heads
arbitrarily? If so, then at system startup it *might* be possible to
allocate the memory, and create a ramdisk (or more than 1, depending on
the # of fragments) which contains the 'slow' areas of memory using the
current driver.

The old-style ramdisk actually took memory away from the kernel's
reach (I think it lowered the top of memory), so it was never really
modularizable (then again, it was written long before modules even
existed ;)

- Chad

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