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SubjectRe: [PATCH V4 0/5] mlx5 ConnectX control misc driver
On 4/3/24 6:01 PM, Jakub Kicinski wrote:
> On Wed, 3 Apr 2024 13:31:46 -0600 David Ahern wrote:
>>> ... Patches aren't languishing for want of reviewer resources; it's just that it
>>> takes *submitter* time and effort to bring them up to the quality level
>>> that's required, and occasionally the vendor has to (shock! horror!)
>>> tell the world what one of their magic knobs actually *does*. ...
>>> ^^^^ Content
>>> This paragraph alone shows that you completely didn't understand the
>>> discussion here.
>> +1
> "didn't understand the discussion" is an ironic thing for you to +1,

Come on, Jakub. The +1 was regarding Leon's entire response to Ed, not
just the last part you so conveniently quoted here. I agree 100% wiht
Leon that Ed's "Language, tone, and content of your email were
inappropriate". That is why I left the entire quote in the response and
not just the paragraph above.

> David. After all my emails about HNS3 RDMA you somehow concluded today
> that I want to make rules for the entire kernel:

And as for that response (the URL you listed there), what else should
one conclude? That has to be a fair summation of your stance because
this entire thread is on a driver completely unrelated to netdev that
you jumped in on with a NACK. I have asked multiple times in this thread
and the one before where you believe your boundary ends as a maintainer.

> And I second what Ed said. I have asked multiple vendors preaching
> impossibilism in this thread to start posting those knobs. I offered
> to do a quick off-list review of the list of knobs they have to give
> a quick yay / nay, so they don't waste time implementing things that
> would get nacked. None of the vendors bothered taking me up on that
> offer.

Again, entirely missing the point. This is not about configure knobs
that have a potential to be consistent across devices.

Sadly, this thread is not a spiral, ever so slowly converging on an
agreement, but a merry-ground just going in circles.

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