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SubjectRe: [PATCH 1/4] sched/eevdf: Fix vruntime adjustment on reweight
Hi Abel:

I'm not so familiar with eevdf and still learning. Here I've some questions
about this patch.

1. You did proof that V will not change during reweight (COROLLARY #2). However,
according to the original paper, the new V will be:
V' = V + lag(j)/(W - w_j) - lag(j)/(W - w_j + w'_j)
So the V' in paper will change (when lag is not zero).
Is the V in Linux code slightly different from the paper?

2. I print some log around reweight_entity(), mainly want to print V by calling
avg_vruntime(cfs_rq). I found your algorithm only keeps the V unchanged during
reweight_eevdf(), but not reweight_entity().

In detail:
If curr is true (i.e., cfs_rq->curr == se), we will directly run
reweight_eevdf(), and the V is not changed.
If curr is false, we will have __dequeue_entity() -> reweight_eevdf() ->
__enqueue_entity(). The V is finally changed due to dequeue and enqueue. So the
result of reweight_entity() will be impacted by "cfs_rq->curr == se", is this


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