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SubjectRe: [RFC] sched/eevdf: sched feature to dismiss lag on wakeup
(+ Xuewen Yan, Ke Wang)

Hello Tobias,

On 2/28/2024 9:40 PM, Tobias Huschle wrote:
> The previously used CFS scheduler gave tasks that were woken up an
> enhanced chance to see runtime immediately by deducting a certain value
> from its vruntime on runqueue placement during wakeup.
> This property was used by some, at least vhost, to ensure, that certain
> kworkers are scheduled immediately after being woken up. The EEVDF
> scheduler, does not support this so far. Instead, if such a woken up
> entitiy carries a negative lag from its previous execution, it will have
> to wait for the current time slice to finish, which affects the
> performance of the process expecting the immediate execution negatively.
> To address this issue, implement EEVDF strategy #2 for rejoining
> entities, which dismisses the lag from previous execution and allows
> the woken up task to run immediately (if no other entities are deemed
> to be preferred for scheduling by EEVDF).
> The vruntime is decremented by an additional value of 1 to make sure,
> that the woken up tasks gets to actually run. This is of course not
> following strategy #2 in an exact manner but guarantees the expected
> behavior for the scenario described above. Without the additional
> decrement, the performance goes south even more. So there are some
> side effects I could not get my head around yet.
> Questions:
> 1. The kworker getting its negative lag occurs in the following scenario
> - kworker and a cgroup are supposed to execute on the same CPU
> - one task within the cgroup is executing and wakes up the kworker
> - kworker with 0 lag, gets picked immediately and finishes its
> execution within ~5000ns
> - on dequeue, kworker gets assigned a negative lag
> Is this expected behavior? With this short execution time, I would
> expect the kworker to be fine.
> For a more detailed discussion on this symptom, please see:

Does the lag clamping path from Xuewen Yan [1] work for the vhost case
mentioned in the thread? Instead of placing the task just behind the
0-lag point, clamping the lag seems to be more principled approach since
EEVDF already does it in update_entity_lag().

If the lag is still too large, maybe the above coupled with Peter's
delayed dequeue patch can help [2] (Note: tree is prone to force


> 2. The proposed code change of course only addresses the symptom. Am I
> assuming correctly that this is in general the exepected behavior and
> that the task waking up the kworker should rather do an explicit
> reschedule of itself to grant the kworker time to execute?
> In the vhost case, this is currently attempted through a cond_resched
> which is not doing anything because the need_resched flag is not set.
> Feedback and opinions would be highly appreciated.
> Signed-off-by: Tobias Huschle <>
> ---
> kernel/sched/fair.c | 5 +++++
> kernel/sched/features.h | 1 +
> 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+)
> diff --git a/kernel/sched/fair.c b/kernel/sched/fair.c
> index 533547e3c90a..c20ae6d62961 100644
> --- a/kernel/sched/fair.c
> +++ b/kernel/sched/fair.c
> @@ -5239,6 +5239,11 @@ place_entity(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq, struct sched_entity *se, int flags)
> lag = div_s64(lag, load);
> }
> + if (sched_feat(NOLAG_WAKEUP) && (flags & ENQUEUE_WAKEUP)) {
> + se->vlag = 0;
> + lag = 1;
> + }
> +
> se->vruntime = vruntime - lag;
> /*
> diff --git a/kernel/sched/features.h b/kernel/sched/features.h
> index 143f55df890b..d3118e7568b4 100644
> --- a/kernel/sched/features.h
> +++ b/kernel/sched/features.h
> @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
> /*
> * Prefer to schedule the task we woke last (assuming it failed

Thanks and Regards,

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