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SubjectRe: [GIT PULL] XArray for 6.6
On Fri, 8 Sept 2023 at 10:44, Matthew Wilcox <> wrote:
> I had to update the expiration on my signing key. I don't know if you
> pay attention to that, or whether my attempts to get my updated expiration
> date into the system were successful.

I'm sadly much too used (resigned?) to pgp keys being expired, so I
mostly ignore it, apart from the occasional internal swearing at
people who thought it was ever a good idea.

So exactly because the pgp key server infrastructure works so badly
these days, may I suggest either getting rid of expiration dates, or
at least putting them *far* in the future?

Honestly, the argument for expiration dates was never very strong, and
with how badly updates work, the constant low-grade annoyance from
them isn't worth it.

Because no, a "gpg --refresh" certainly did *not* get any expiration
day updates here. So your key does indeed show that it is expired for

Which just should drive home how #$!* useless those expiration dates
are. Really.

So again - please stop expiring your keys, at least in any foreseeable
near future. The pgp key infrastructure isn't set up for it.

Make the expiration date go away, or make it a decade or two in the
future, and maybe it will show as active and valid some day.


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  Last update: 2023-09-09 06:59    [W:0.056 / U:0.152 seconds]
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