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SubjectRe: [PATCH v3 0/9] rust: workqueue: add bindings for the workqueue

On Tue, Jul 11, 2023 at 09:32:54AM +0000, Alice Ryhl wrote:
> This patchset contains Rust bindings for the kernel workqueue.
> One of the primary goals behind the design used in this patch is that we
> must support embedding the `work_struct` as a field in user-provided
> types, because this allows you to submit things to the workqueue without
> having to allocate, making the submission infallible. If we didn't have
> to support this, then the patch would be much simpler. One of the main
> things that make it complicated is that we must ensure that the function
> pointer in the `work_struct` is compatible with the struct it is
> contained within.
> The original version of the workqueue bindings was written by Wedson,
> but I have rewritten much of it so that it uses the pin-init
> infrastructure and can be used with containers other than `Arc`.

I don't understand a lot but the part that I understand (Alice helped me a
lot, thanks) and the example usages look fine to me. While the interface
leaves some workqueue features uncovered (e.g. flushing, creating custom
workqueues, queueing on a specific CPU), there's nothing blocking adding
them later and this looks like a good place to start. So, from workqueue

Acked-by: Tejun Heo <>

Please feel free to route the patches through the rust tree. If you want
them to go through the workqueue tree, please let me know.



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  Last update: 2023-07-12 00:19    [W:2.152 / U:0.180 seconds]
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