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Subject[PATCH v3 6/6] scripts: python: implement get or create frame and stack function
Complete addSample function, it takes the thread name, stack array,
and time as input parameters and if the thread name differs from
the current name, it updates the name. The function utilizes the
get_or_create_stack and get_or_create_frame methods to construct
the stack structure. Finally, it adds the stack, time, and
responsiveness values to the 'data' list within 'samples'.

The get_or_create_stack function is responsible for retrieving
or creating a stack based on the provided frame and prefix.
It first generates a key using the frame and prefix values.
If the stack corresponding to the key is found in the stackMap,
it is returned. Otherwise, a new stack is created by appending
the prefix and frame to the stackTable's 'data' array. The key
and the index of the newly created stack are added to the
stackMap for future reference.

The get_or_create_frame function is responsible for retrieving or
creating a frame based on the provided frameString. If the frame
corresponding to the frameString is found in the frameMap, it is
returned. Otherwise, a new frame is created by appending relevant
information to the frameTable's 'data' array and adding the
frameString to the stringTable.

Signed-off-by: Anup Sharma <>
.../scripts/python/ | 57 ++++++++++++++++++-
1 file changed, 56 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/tools/perf/scripts/python/ b/tools/perf/scripts/python/
index 6c934de1f608..97fbe562ee2b 100644
--- a/tools/perf/scripts/python/
+++ b/tools/perf/scripts/python/
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ sys.path.append(os.environ['PERF_EXEC_PATH'] + \
from perf_trace_context import *
from Core import *

thread_map = {}
start_time = None

@@ -34,7 +36,12 @@ CATEGORIES = [
PRODUCT = os.popen('uname -op').read().strip()

def trace_end():
- thread_array = thread_map.values()))
+ thread_array = list(map(lambda thread: thread['finish'](), thread_map.values()))
+# Parse the callchain of the current sample into a stack array.
+ for thread in thread_array:
+ key = thread['samples']['schema']['time']
+ thread['samples']['data'].sort(key=lambda data : float(data[key]))

result = {
'meta': {
@@ -106,7 +113,55 @@ def process_event(param_dict):
stringTable = []

+ stackMap = dict()
+ def get_or_create_stack(frame, prefix):
+ key = f"{frame}" if prefix is None else f"{frame},{prefix}"
+ stack = stackMap.get(key)
+ if stack is None:
+ stack = len(stackTable['data'])
+ stackTable['data'].append([prefix, frame])
+ stackMap[key] = stack
+ return stack
+ frameMap = dict()
+ def get_or_create_frame(frameString):
+ frame = frameMap.get(frameString)
+ if frame is None:
+ frame = len(frameTable['data'])
+ location = len(stringTable)
+ stringTable.append(frameString)
+ category = KERNEL_CATEGORY_INDEX if frameString.find('kallsyms') != -1 \
+ or frameString.find('/vmlinux') != -1 \
+ or frameString.endswith('.ko)') \
+ implementation = None
+ optimizations = None
+ line = None
+ relevantForJS = False
+ subcategory = None
+ innerWindowID = 0
+ column = None
+ frameTable['data'].append([
+ location,
+ relevantForJS,
+ innerWindowID,
+ implementation,
+ optimizations,
+ line,
+ column,
+ category,
+ subcategory,
+ ])
+ frameMap[frameString] = frame
+ return frame
def addSample(threadName, stackArray, time):
+ nonlocal name
+ if name != threadName:
+ name = threadName
+ stack = reduce(lambda prefix, stackFrame: get_or_create_stack
+ (get_or_create_frame(stackFrame), prefix), stackArray, None)
responsiveness = 0
samples['data'].append([stack, time, responsiveness])

 \ /
  Last update: 2023-07-11 01:16    [W:0.066 / U:0.384 seconds]
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