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SubjectRe: pktcdvd
On 1/29/23 3:21 PM, Pali Rohár wrote:
> On Sunday 29 January 2023 14:55:27 Jens Axboe wrote:
>> This does not look like a new issue (eg related to this series), and
>> this is exactly one of the reasons we wanted to get rid of this code -
>> basically nobody tests it, as nobody has the ability to. That means it's
>> very time consuming to debug issues with it.
> I understand. I could try to look at it. The main issue for me is that I
> have not looked at this low level block device kernel area and I do not
> understand what is the code around doing...

I'll be happy to answer questions if you want to dive in... Looking at
the oops, it's clear that a bio arrived (or was split) that didn't end
up on a packet size alignment. We didn't error on the full size
alignment, so the total size of the write is a multiple of the packet
size. The bio_split() is pretty straightforward, so perhaps the starting
sector wasn't a multiple of the packet size to begin with?

>> What is the newest kernel you've run the pktcdvd driver on?
> 4.19 from Debian 10. I'm not sure if I used newer version as most stuff
> is still on Debian 10 as I have not find a time to do upgrade of
> everything.

Ok, yeah that's pretty old...

Jens Axboe

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