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SubjectRe: [PATCH v9 1/6] x86/tdx: Add TDX Guest attestation interface driver
On 8/18/22 07:18, Borislav Petkov wrote:
>> + /*
>> + * Generate TDREPORT using "TDG.MR.REPORT" TDCALL.
>> + *
>> + * Get the TDREPORT using REPORTDATA as input. Refer to
>> + * section 22.3.3 TDG.MR.REPORT leaf in the TDX Module 1.0
>> + * Specification for detailed information.
>> + */
>> + ret = __tdx_module_call(TDX_GET_REPORT, virt_to_phys(tdreport),
>> + virt_to_phys(reportdata), req.subtype,
> That subtype you're not checking either.

I'll chime in here a bit since you're touching on something that bugged
me too. This whole mechanism is because of two TDX shortcuts. (calling
them shortcuts is generous, but I digress...)

1. TDX guest attestation relies on SGX. TDX does not have its own
attestation mechanism.
2. TDX guests can not run SGX enclaves. Only TDX hosts can.

As a result, any TDX guest that wants to do the attestation dance has to
talk to the host, who them talks to the SGX enclave. There's actually a
nice diagram of it in here (Figure 5.8):


This "talking" can be done via any old communication mechanism. Shared
memory, virtio, morse code, whatever. TDX_GET_REPORT just happens to be
yet another communication mechanism dedicated *only* to these
attestation reports.

So, this is not a *STRICTLY* required ABI. Guests _can_ use other
mechanisms to talk to an SGX attestation (quoting) enclave. Second,
this ABI *is* TDX-specific because no other hardware architectures have
made the same design "choices".

That's why this was jettisoned for v10. It might reappear later, though.

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