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SubjectRe: [RFC PATCH v2 4/6] PM: opp: allow control of multiple clocks
On 25-05-22, 09:04, Stephen Boyd wrote:
> I'm saying that each OPP table would be for a single clk, but they would
> be connected through required-opps for the device's OPP table.

Ahh, okay.

> It would
> mean that dev_pm_opp_set_clkname() would need extension to let a driver
> indicate which clk is associated with an OPP table.

Hmm, just that it complicates simple cases. Lets see.

> From your other
> reply on v3 it seems that you're leaning towards having an array of
> frequency values in the OPP table instead of doing table linking?

I am not against that to be honest, we have done that for voltages and
current already. I am just not fine with having any one of them as the
primary clock. I liked your idea of reusing "level" for that.

I have started some rewriting of the core, to simplify things and
reduce the number of ever increasing APIs (which you suggested earlier
once). Lets see where we land eventually.


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