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SubjectRe: [PATCH v4] btrfs: add fs state details to error messages.

> Added to misc-next with some minor updates, thanks.
Awesome, thank you. I realized this morning that it might be technically
slightly racy actually and would propose something like the following

static void btrfs_state_to_string(const struct btrfs_fs_info *info, char *buf)
unsigned int bit;
+ unsigned long fs_state = READ_ONCE(info->fs_state);
unsigned int states_printed = 0;
char *curr = buf;

curr += sizeof(STATE_STRING_PREFACE) - 1;

- for_each_set_bit(bit, &info->fs_state, sizeof(info->fs_state)) {
+ for_each_set_bit(bit, fs_state, sizeof(fs_state)) {

All the other interactions with info->fs_state are test/set/clear_bit, which treat the argument as volatile and are therefore safe to do from multiple threads. Without the READ_ONCE (reading it as a volatile), the compiler or cpu could turn the reads of info->fs_state in for_each_set_bit() into writes of random stuff into info->fs_state, potentially clearing the state bits or filling them with garbage.

Even if this is right, it'd be rare, but it would be exceeding weird for a message to be logged listing an error and then future messages be logged without any such state, or with a random collection of garbage states.

I can send another patch if this explanation seems reasonable and you'd like it separate; or maybe this is too unlikely to worry about. Thanks again for the review!

Sweet Tea

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