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SubjectRe: BISECT result: 6.0.0-RC kernels trigger Firefox snap bug with 6.0.0-rc3 through 6.0.0-rc7
On 10/17/22 15:59, Phillip Lougher wrote:

> On 17/10/2022 14:22, Mirsad Goran Todorovac wrote:
>> On 16.10.2022. 21:55, Phillip Lougher wrote:
>>> On 16/10/2022 16:55, Mirsad Goran Todorovac wrote:
>>>> On 15. 10. 2022. 22:59, Phillip Lougher wrote:
>>> Tracking down bugs of this sort is always a process of elimination,
>>> and gathering information to pinpoint the exact circumstances of why
>>> it is triggering.
>>> Next step is to download the exact snap(s) where the problems are
>>> occurring, as this may provide some insights.
>>> I don't run Ubuntu, and I don't use snaps.  Can you provide the
>>> download link(s) of the snap(s) that cause problems?  If there's
>>> any firefox snaps that don't cause problems those will be useful
>>> too.
>>> You don't mention if there's any errors present in "dmesg" when
>>> this happens, and so I'm assuming there aren't any?
>>> Phillip
>> Snaps are originated in Ubuntu, and they heavily rely on snapd, and
>> squashfs for decompressing executables.
>> Naturally, this also affects Linux Mint as Ubuntu's fork.
>> Those two comprise a large share of the Linux distros, and Firefox is
>> exclusively distributed in snaps.
> I know you meant well, but, don't talk to me as if I'm the village
> idiot.
> I said I don't run snaps or Ubuntu, which is nothing to do with lack of
> understanding (*)
> I'll contact a couple of people in Canonical to obtain what I need.
> (*) I worked as a kernel maintainer for Canonical (Ubuntu) from 2007/8
> and I worked as a kernel maintainer for Redhat on RHEL (which Centos
> is a free version) from 2011 - 2019.  This is addition to writing and
> maintaining Squashfs in the upstream kernel.

Dear Phillip,

Thousand apologies. I had no intent to offend you.
The village idiot is actually meant to be me :)

I've already read on Wikipedia about all the uses of SquashFS, and I do
not underestimate
your work by no means.

I apologise again if I sounded like that. I don't feel superior or
gloating by bisecting
the code to your commit. By no means.

Still I somehow managed to underestimate your contribution to The Cause,
and I am
new to this community, so please forgive me this error. I tried to sound
rather than lecturing.

Obviously, I failed :(


Mirsad Goran Todorovac
Sistem inženjer
Grafički fakultet | Akademija likovnih umjetnosti
Sveučilište u Zagrebu
System engineer
Faculty of Graphic Arts | Academy of Fine Arts
University of Zagreb, Republic of Croatia

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