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SubjectRe: Unable to transfer big files to Nokia N9
#regzbot introduced: 81be03e026dc0c16dc1c64e088b2a53b73caa895

Dear Luiz,

It turns out there was a regression in Linux 5.16-rc1.

Am 20.12.21 um 22:31 schrieb Paul Menzel:

> Am 01.12.21 um 23:07 schrieb Paul Menzel:
>> Am 01.12.21 um 19:29 schrieb Luiz Augusto von Dentz:
>>> On Wed, Dec 1, 2021 at 9:39 AM Paul Menzel <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> For the first time, I wanted to transfer a 2 MB PDF file from a Dell
>>>> Latitude E7250 with Debian sid/unstable with Linux 5.16-rc1 to a Nokia
>>>> N9 (MeeGo/Harmattan). Using the package *bluez-obexd* 5.61-1 and GNOME
>>>> 41, the device was found, and paired fine. Then I selected to transfer
>>>> the 2 MB file, and after starting for a second, it timed out after the
>>>> progress bar moves forward ones and failed.
>>>> The systemd journal contains:
>>>>       obexd[21139]: Transfer(0x56243fe4f790) Error: Timed out waiting for response
>>>> Testing with a a 5 byte test text file, worked fine. Also testing with a
>>>> Galaly M32, both files were transferred without problems (though slowly
>>>> with 32 KB/s.)
>>>> Trying to connect to the device with bluetoothctl failed for me, and the
>>>> journal contained, it failed.
>>>>       $ bluetoothctl
>>>>       Agent registered
>>>>       [bluetooth]# connect 40:98:4E:5B:CE:XX
>>>>       Attempting to connect to 40:98:4E:5B:CE:XX
>>>>       Failed to connect: org.bluez.Error.Failed
>>>>       bluetoothd[21104]: src/service.c:btd_service_connect() a2dp-source profile connect failed for 40:98:4E:5B:CE:B3: Protocol not available
>>>> As the Nokia N9 was once pretty popular in the Linux community, I am
>>>> pretty sure, it used to work fine in the past, and there is some
>>>> regression. It’d be great, if you could give me some hints how to
>>>> further debug the issue.
>>> We will need some logs, obexd and btmon, if possible.
>> I only managed to get the btmon trace [1]. I did `sudo modprobe -r
>> btusb` and `sudo btmon -w /dev/shm/trace.log`.
>> Linux messages:
>>      [29880.100381] calling  btusb_driver_init+0x0/0x1000 [btusb] @ 28716
>>      [29880.239603] usbcore: registered new interface driver btusb
>>      [29880.239608] initcall btusb_driver_init+0x0/0x1000 [btusb] returned 0 after 135952 usecs
>>      [29880.240706] Bluetooth: hci0: unexpected event for opcode 0x0500
>>      [29880.241598] Bluetooth: hci0: Legacy ROM 2.5 revision 1.0 build 3 week 17 2014
>>      [29880.241605] Bluetooth: hci0: Intel device is already patched. patch num: 32
>>  From the system journal:
>>      Dez 01 22:52:19 ersatz obexd[21139]: Transfer(0x56243fe53dd0) Error: Timed out waiting for response
> Were you able to see anything in the attached logs? If the obexd logs
> are missing, can you please tell how I should capture them?
> I also tested with Ubuntu 20.04 (*linux-image-5.11.0-27-generic*) and
> 21.10 (*linux-image-5.13.0-19-generic*) live systems booted from a USB
> storage device, and transferring `/usr/bin/systemctl`
> (`/lib/systemd/systemd`) with size of 1.8 MB worked fine.
> Could there be a regression in that area? Unfortunately, it’s not easy
> for me to do a bisection on the device at hand.
> (Would it be possible to do with QEMU and USB controller and Bluetooth
> device passthrough? How can I transfer the file on the command line so I
> wouldn’t need to install a desktop environment?)

Turns out, that is indeed possible [2], but turned out to be cumbersome,
as I hit the regression [3], which seems to have been fixed by commit
95655456e7ce (Bluetooth: btintel: Fix broken LED quirk for legacy ROM
devices) merged in the current Linux 5.17 cycle this week.

As a work around, I applied a hunk from Takashi’s patch.

- { USB_DEVICE(0x8087, 0x0a2a), .driver_info = BTUSB_INTEL_COMBINED },
+ { USB_DEVICE(0x8087, 0x0a2a), .driver_info = BTUSB_INTEL_COMBINED |

My problem with the Nokia N9 is still present in Linus’ master branch.

Then I built a minimal Linux kernel for QEMU, and ran:

qemu-system-x86_64 -cpu host -m 2G -enable-kvm \
-usb -device usb-host,vendorid=0x8087,productid=0x0a2a \
-drive file=/dev/shm/debian-64.img,format=raw,if=virtio \
-net nic -net user,hostfwd=tcp::22223-:22 \
-kernel /dev/shm/bzImage -append "root=/dev/vda1 rw quiet"

In the Debian sid/unstable VM, I used

ssh root@localhost -p 22223

I once had to pair the VM with the Nokia N9 in bluetoothctl, and then
started `/usr/libexec/bluetooth/obexd`, and ran `obexctl`, and connected
first with `connect`, and then ran `send /lib/systemd/systemd` to
transfer the file. In the problematic cases it stopped/hung after the
first progress message.

# obexctl
[NEW] Client /org/bluez/obex
[obex]# connect 40:98:4E:5B:CE:XX
Attempting to connect to 40:98:4E:5B:CE:XX
[NEW] Session /org/bluez/obex/client/session0 [default]
[NEW] ObjectPush /org/bluez/obex/client/session0
Connection successful
[40:98:4E:5B:CE:XX]# send /lib/systemd/systemd
Attempting to send /lib/systemd/systemd to
[NEW] Transfer /org/bluez/obex/client/session0/transfer0
Transfer /org/bluez/obex/client/session0/transfer0
Status: queued
Name: systemd
Size: 1841712
Filename: /lib/systemd/systemd
Session: /org/bluez/obex/client/session0
[CHG] Transfer /org/bluez/obex/client/session0/transfer0 Status: active
[CHG] Transfer /org/bluez/obex/client/session0/transfer0
Transferred: 32737 (@32KB/s 00:55)
[CHG] Transfer /org/bluez/obex/client/session0/transfer0 Status: error
[DEL] Transfer /org/bluez/obex/client/session0/transfer0

Some manual bisection of Linux releases, verified, that the regression
was introduced in Linux 5.16-rc1. (Lucky me, I started using Bluetooth
with the Nokia with Linux 5.16-rc1.) Then I verified it was introduced
by the Bluetooth pull request for Linux 5.16. Then I picked commit
81be03e026dc0c16dc1c64e088b2a53b73caa895 due to the commit message, and
bisected from there, and it turns out, that this commit is actually
introducing the regression.

$ git bisect good
81be03e026dc0c16dc1c64e088b2a53b73caa895 is the first bad commit
commit 81be03e026dc0c16dc1c64e088b2a53b73caa895
Author: Luiz Augusto von Dentz <>
Date: Fri Sep 3 15:27:32 2021 -0700

Bluetooth: RFCOMM: Replace use of memcpy_from_msg with

This makes use of bt_skb_sendmmsg instead using memcpy_from_msg
is not considered safe to be used when lock_sock is held.

Also make rfcomm_dlc_send handle skb with fragments and queue
them all

Signed-off-by: Luiz Augusto von Dentz <>
Signed-off-by: Marcel Holtmann <>

net/bluetooth/rfcomm/core.c | 50
net/bluetooth/rfcomm/sock.c | 46
2 files changed, 53 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)

Unfortunately, the patch does not cleanly revert, so users have to wait
until an expert can take a look, and come up with a fix.

Kind regards,


PS: For the records:

$ git bisect log
# bad: [81be03e026dc0c16dc1c64e088b2a53b73caa895] Bluetooth:
RFCOMM: Replace use of memcpy_from_msg with bt_skb_sendmmsg
# good: [49d8a5606428ca0962d09050a5af81461ff90fbb] Bluetooth: fix
init and cleanup of sco_conn.timeout_work
git bisect start '81be03e026dc0' 'HEAD^'
# good: [904c139a2517191e48f9cb1bb2d611ae59434009] Bluetooth: Add
support for msbc coding format
git bisect good 904c139a2517191e48f9cb1bb2d611ae59434009
# good: [8bba13b1d08d42e2e8308924fa5c1551a7b2b011] Bluetooth:
btintel: Fix incorrect out of memory check
git bisect good 8bba13b1d08d42e2e8308924fa5c1551a7b2b011
# good: [38f64f650dc0e44c146ff88d15a7339efa325918] Bluetooth: Add
bt_skb_sendmsg helper
git bisect good 38f64f650dc0e44c146ff88d15a7339efa325918
# good: [0771cbb3b97d3c1d68eecd7f00055f599954c34e] Bluetooth: SCO:
Replace use of memcpy_from_msg with bt_skb_sendmsg
git bisect good 0771cbb3b97d3c1d68eecd7f00055f599954c34e
# first bad commit: [81be03e026dc0c16dc1c64e088b2a53b73caa895]
Bluetooth: RFCOMM: Replace use of memcpy_from_msg with bt_skb_sendmmsg

Kind regards,


>> [1]:

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