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SubjectRe: Re: [BUG] ramfs system panic when using dd to create files
> -----Original Messages-----
&gt; From: "yong w" <>
&gt; Sent Time: 2021-07-14 08:24:23 (Wednesday)
&gt; To:,,,,
&gt; Cc:
&gt; Subject: Re: [BUG] ramfs system panic when using dd to create files
&gt; Hello, is there any solution, or how to avoid this problem when using ramfs?

Limit max size of ramfs.

&gt; yong w <> 于2021年7月7日周三 下午5:58写道:
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; When I use dd to create files multiple times under the ramfs file
&gt; &gt; system,Panic appears, indicating that there is no process to kill.
&gt; &gt; I learn that ramfs will automatically grow space due to data writing,
&gt; &gt; causing all the system memory to run out, but i think it shouldn't
&gt; &gt; cause the system to panic.

The comments already explains why kernel should panic on this situation:
* If we got here due to an actual allocation at the
* system level, we cannot survive this and will enter
* an endless loop in the allocator. Bail out now.
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  Last update: 2021-07-14 09:44    [W:0.113 / U:0.544 seconds]
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