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SubjectRe: [PATCH v2] selftests: net: Correct case name

On 08/12/2021 11:14, David Ahern wrote:
> On 12/6/21 11:05 PM, wrote:
>>> # TESTS=bind6 ./
>>> ###########################################################################
>>> IPv6 address binds
>>> ###########################################################################
>>> #################################################################
>>> No VRF
>>> TEST: Raw socket bind to local address - ns-A IPv6                            [FAIL]
> This one passes for me.
Err, i didn't notice this one when i sent this mail. Since it was passed too in my
previous multiple runs.

> Can you run the test with '-v -p'? -v will give you the command line
> that is failing. -p will pause the tests at the failure. From there you
> can do:
> ip netns exec ns-A bash
> Look at the routing - no VRF is involved so the address should be local
> to the device and the loopback. Run the test manually to see if it
> really is failing.

thanks for your advice, i will take a look if it appears again.

>>> TEST: Raw socket bind to local address after device bind - ns-A IPv6          [ OK ]
>>> TEST: Raw socket bind to local address - ns-A loopback IPv6                   [ OK ]
>>> TEST: Raw socket bind to local address after device bind - ns-A loopback IPv6  [ OK ]
>>> TEST: TCP socket bind to local address - ns-A IPv6                            [ OK ]
>>> TEST: TCP socket bind to local address after device bind - ns-A IPv6          [ OK ]
>>> TEST: TCP socket bind to out of scope local address - ns-A loopback IPv6      [FAIL]
> This one seems to be a new problem. The socket is bound to eth1 and the
> address bind is to an address on loopback. That should not be working.

My colleague had another thread with the verbose detailed message

>>> #################################################################
>>> With VRF
>>> TEST: Raw socket bind to local address after vrf bind - ns-A IPv6             [ OK ]
>>> TEST: Raw socket bind to local address after device bind - ns-A IPv6          [ OK ]
>>> TEST: Raw socket bind to local address after vrf bind - VRF IPv6              [ OK ]
>>> TEST: Raw socket bind to local address after device bind - VRF IPv6           [ OK ]
>>> TEST: Raw socket bind to invalid local address after vrf bind - ns-A loopback IPv6  [ OK ]
>>> TEST: TCP socket bind to local address with VRF bind - ns-A IPv6              [ OK ]
>>> TEST: TCP socket bind to local address with VRF bind - VRF IPv6               [ OK ]
>>> TEST: TCP socket bind to local address with device bind - ns-A IPv6           [ OK ]
>>> TEST: TCP socket bind to VRF address with device bind - VRF IPv6              [FAIL]
> This failure is similar to the last one. Need to see if a recent commit
> changed something.

Good to know this


>>> TEST: TCP socket bind to invalid local address for VRF - ns-A loopback IPv6   [ OK ]
>>> TEST: TCP socket bind to invalid local address for device bind - ns-A loopback IPv6  [ OK ]
>> Thanks
>> Zhijian
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