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    SubjectRe: [PATCH V4 2/2] PCI: vmd: Override ASPM on TGL/ADL VMD devices
    On Tue, Dec 21, 2021 at 01:11:26PM -0800, David E. Box wrote:
    > The reason why BIOS is not programming these values is because when VMD is
    > enabled the ports are not visible to BIOS. This would apply to any BIOS
    > including those used by ChromeOS.
    > And because BIOS doesn't see these ports ...

    Isn't VMD enabled by the BIOS? The bios should be able see them the
    same way as Linux does. But given that the whole point of VMD is to hide
    these ports from Windows it obviously doesn't. For Linux and thus for
    ChromeOS VMD is completely pointless, so give that the ChromeOS people
    aren't as dumb as some people at Intel I'm pretty sure they won't enable
    it and just use the ports as normal one and avoid this whole
    self-inflicted pain.

    If only Intel could give the OS a way to disable VMD at runtime and
    discover the actual ports, then we would not have this whole nightmare
    of having to support it.

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      Last update: 2021-12-22 08:53    [W:5.139 / U:0.012 seconds]
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