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SubjectRe: [PATCH 0/2] irqchip: irq-mt58xx: Add mt58xx series interrupt
From: Daniel Palmer <>

> Hi Mark-PK,
> Your driver seems to be for the same interrupt controller IP that is
> present in MStar's TV and camera SoCs and now SigmaStar's SoCs.
> I sent a series[0] for a driver very similar to yours but for the
> MStar SoCs. Do you know if it would be possible to confirm if they are
> the
> same thing? MediaTek bought MStar a few years ago so it seems likely
> but I have no hard information.

Yes, it's for the same interrupt controller IP.

> If they are the same thing could we work on making one series that
> supports both use cases?

Sure, and I think the irq controller driver should support both use cases.
So how about keep the MTK version driver?
I'll send patch v2 after -rc1 as I mentioned in the previous mail,
and keep you posted.
And any suggestion is welcome. :)

> It's also possible that if the interrupt controller is the same some
> other things like the SPI NOR controller etc are also common and
> working
> on a single driver for those would save us both time.

I'm not sure about that.
I'll check the patches you contributed and confirm with our driver owners.
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  Last update: 2020-08-06 17:40    [W:0.197 / U:0.288 seconds]
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