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SubjectRe: Coccinelle: semantic patch for missing of_node_put
> $ spatch --tokens-c drivers/of/base.c  2>&1  | grep "Tag3 " | grep "of_node_put() on it when done." | awk -F " - " '{print $1}' | grep  -o "of_[[:print:]]*"

This command example points some details out for further software development considerations.

1. I find it questionable that relevant data are provided by the output channel
“stderr” so far.

2. The OCaml code “"Tag" ^ string_of_int t ^” occurs in three source files.
* It is commented out in one file.

* These places refer to the source file “ 1.2” by Richard W. M. Jones.
Thus it seems that this code is relevant at the moment.

3. How will the software documentation evolve here?

4. Safe data processing can be performed only if the involved structures
will remain clear for a while.
Is the situation partly unclear?

Should the information after which function calls the function “of_node_put”
should be called be determined from any other documentation format?

5. A programming language like “awk” has got the potential to extract useful data
(also without calling the tool “grep” additionally).


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