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    SubjectRe: [PATCH RFC] mac80211: Use IFF_ECHO to force delivery of tx_status frames

    > On 26.02.2019 14:33 Johannes Berg wrote
    > You're proposing to add this to the *monitor* interfaces and you really
    > should have made the flag conditional on that to make that clear.
    > However, even on monitor interfaces, you typically *already* see the
    > frames you transmitted there (as raw frames, which is the only thing you
    > can do).
    Thanks for your prompt reply and thoughts on our patch.

    Let us briefly describe our test setup to ensure everyone on this mailing
    list is one the same page.

    Our general setup looks like this:
    1 $ iw wlp1s0 info
    Interface wlp1s0
    ifindex 5
    wdev 0x1
    addr 4c:5e:0c:11:43:ac
    type managed
    wiphy 0
    txpower 30.00 dBm
    1 $ iw phy phy0 interface add mon0 type monitor
    1 $ iw phy phy0 interface add mon1 type monitor

    When we send (raw) packets on mon0 using packetspammer [1] and listen on
    the _other_ monitor mode interface mon1, we receive frames that were sent
    on the first one:
    1 $ packetspammer mon0
    2 $ tcpdump -i mon1 'wlan addr2 13:22:33:44:55:66'

    This is due to the fact that frames sent on mon0 are echoed back as TX
    status frames, because REQ_TX_STATUS is always set for frames sent from
    monitor mode interfaces.

    But when we replace mon0 with an interface in managed mode (wlp1s0), the
    receipt of frames stops, because in managed mode REQ_TX_STATUS is cleared
    in most frames:
    1 $ ifup wlp1s0
    1 $ ping -I wlp1s0 # this address is not assigned to any host
    2 $ tcpdump -i mon1 ‚wlan addr2 4c:5e:0c:11:43:ac‘

    > What you're proposing is to use IFF_ECHO to show frames transmitted
    > through *other* interfaces on the monitor interface.
    > I don’t think the IFF_ECHO semantics really match this.
    What we propose is to use IFF_ECHO to force REQ_TX_STATUS being set for all
    frames sent on the interface. But you are right: The goal is that frames
    transmitted through the other interface show up on the monitor interface
    (but only after passing the driver). However, this is exactly how we
    understand the semantics of IFF_ECHO in the kernel documentation.
    > Additionally, drivers are sort of free to ignore the REQ_TX_STATUS, or
    > we could in the future add ways of using the _noskb to feed back TX
    > status to the state machines where needed, so I'm not really sure I even
    > _want_ this to be set in stone in such an API.
    As far as we know, drivers must return a TX status frame, if REQ_TX_STATUS
    is set, but can do whatever they want, if it is clear. This is no problem for our
    functionality, because we force the delivery of TX status frames by
    permanently setting REQ_TX_STATUS. As long as the semantics of
    REQ_TX_STATUS remains like it is now, the functionality will always be
    as expected from our API.

    > Now, I can also see how this can be useful for debugging, but it feels
    > to me like this should be a driver (debug) option?
    We could also achieve the functionality by modifying the drivers but this
    would mean that we had to add this functionality to every driver.
    Moreover, the feature of TX status frames, how it is implemented currently
    for monitor mode interfaces, is part of the mac80211 implementation. The
    decision to force TX status frames for monitor mode interfaces is made in
    the common mac80211 implementation.

    > johannes
    Once again, thanks for your comments. We appreciate your response.

    Julius and Charlie


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