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SubjectRe: [PATCH] x86/fpu: move FPU state into separate cache
On Wed, Mar 29, 2017 at 4:56 PM, Linus Torvalds
<> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 29, 2017 at 3:28 PM, <> wrote:
>> On March 29, 2017 2:41:00 PM PDT, Linus Torvalds <> wrote:
>> An alternative is to wrap the randomized structure inside a nonrandomized wrapper structure.
> That's probably a reasonable alternative. Making "struct task_struct"
> be something that contains a fixed beginning and end, and just have an
> unnamed randomized part in the middle might be the way to go.

That could work. I'll play around with it.

(And to answer from earlier in the thread: yes the plugin handles
trailing "char foo[]" stuff, etc.)

> Something like
> struct task_struct {
> struct thread_info thread_info;
> /* Critical scheduling state goes here */
> /* .. keep it all in one cacheline */
> struct randomized_task_struct {
> this is where the "I don't care" stuff goes..
> };
> /* CPU-specific state of this task: */
> struct thread_struct thread;
> /*
> * WARNING: on x86, 'thread_struct' contains a variable-sized
> * structure. It *MUST* be at the end of 'task_struct'.
> *
> * Do not put anything below here!
> */
> };
> would randomize the bulk of it but leave some core stuff at fixed places.
> Note that the whole concept of randomized structure member ordering is
> largely security theater. It makes different distributions have
> different offsets, but practically speaking

Distros, yes, it's just another factor the attack has to look up. For
internally/locally built kernels, though, it becomes an interesting
problem for an attack.

> (a) you'll be able to match up offsets with "uname -r", so it's a
> slight inconvenience and mostly useless for big distros that would be
> common targets (or common IoT targets or whatever)
> (b) any distro that supports some binary modules (which includes a
> lot of Android stuff, for example) will have serious problems and
> likely turn it off

Ironically, solving "b" for the distro makes solving "a" for the
attacker easier: the random seed is already part of the build output,
so third-party modules can be built against it with the plugin too.
(FWIW, very few Android devices use modular kernels.)

> so it's imnsho a pretty questionable security thing. It's likely most
> useful for one-off "special secure installations" than mass
> productions.

Well, Facebook and Google don't publish their kernel builds. :)

> So I seriously believe that it's useful mainly *only* if it's really
> simple and convenient (for both distributions and developers), and
> once we have to play games to work around it, I think that's a strong
> signal that we shouldn't bother.

Agreed: that's why I'm trying to see what's actually reasonable to do
here. I think randomizing task_struct is still possible. (There are a
few tricky structs, but for most stuff It Just Works.)


Kees Cook
Pixel Security

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