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SubjectRe: [RFC PATCH 0/7] evacuate struct page from the block layer
On 03/20/2015 10:31 PM, Matthew Wilcox wrote:
> There's a lot of code out there that relies on struct page being PAGE_SIZE
> bytes.

Not so much really. Not at the lower end of the stack. You can actually feed
vp = kmalloc(64K);
bv_page = virt_to_page(vp)
bv_len = 64k

And feed that to an hard drive. It works.

The only last stronghold of PAGE_SIZE is at the page-cache and page-fault
granularity where the minimum is the better. But it should not be hard
to clean up the lower end of the stack. Even introduce a:

You will find that every subsystem that can work with a sub-page size
similar to above bv_len. Will also work well with bigger than PAGE_SIZE
bv_len equivalent.

Only the BUG_ONs need to convert to page_size(page) instead of PAGE_SIZE

> I'm cool with replacing 'struct page' with 'struct superpage'
> [1] in the biovec and auditing all of the code which touches it ... but
> that's going to be a lot of code! I'm not sure it's less code than
> going directly to 'just do I/O on PFNs'.

struct page already knows how to be a super-page. with the THP mechanics.
All a page_size(page) needs is a call to its section, we do not need any
added storage at page-struct. (And we can cache this as a flag we actually
already have a flag)

It looks like you are very trigger happy to change
"biovec and auditing all of the code which touches it"

I believe long long term your #1b is the correct "full audit" path:

Page Is the virtual-2-page-2-physical descriptor + state.
It is variable size

> [1] Please, somebody come up with a better name!

sure struct page *page.

The one to kill is PAGE_SIZE. In most current code it can just be MIN_PAGE_SIZE
and CACHE_PAGE_SIZE == MIN_PAGE_SIZE. Only novelty is enhance of the split_huge_page
in the case of "page-fault-granularity".


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