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SubjectRe: [PATCH 5/6] fuse: fix synchronous case of fuse_file_put()
On 09/16/2014 12:19 PM, Miklos Szeredi wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 6:14 PM, Maxim Patlasov <> wrote:
>> I really need your help to proceed with this patch. Could you please explain
>> what those places are where we should allow interruption.
>> BTW, as for "just an optimization", I've recently noticed that __fput()
>> calls locks_remove_file(). So guarantees provided by the patch-set are on
>> the same level as flock(2) behaviour.
> SIGKILL trumps that. At least that's what I think, and that's what
> NFS currently does as well, AFAICS.
>>> Also fuse really should distinguish fatal and non-fatal interruptions
>>> and handle them accordingly...
>> And elaborate on this concern, please.
> Requests have two states where they stay for any significant amount of
> time: PENDING (queued to userspace) and SENT (in userspace).
> Currently we do the following for interrupted requests:
> - non-fatal signal: do nothing
> - fatal signal: dequeue and return -EINTR, unless force is set
> - send INTERRUPT request to userspace
> This is fine, but fatal interrupts should be able to abort SENT and
> forced requests as well without having to wait for the userspace
> reply. This is what I was referring to.

Thank you for detailed clarification, that's much clearer now. If I
understood it right, fatal signals must abort *any* request in *any*
state. The only difference between forced and not forced requests is
that forced ones must be eventually delivered to userspace in all cases
(even if they were in PENDING state when we were interrupted and we
returned -EINTR).

The thing that bothers me is the net result of these changes. Yes,
end-user will be able to interrupt its app by SIGKIILL if it is waiting
in request_wait_answer(). But there are many other places where kernel
fuse waits for something dependent on userspace. Do you think we have to
make those places interruptible as well?

> This would not be difficult, were it not for i_mutex and
> s_vfs_rename_mutex being held by some operations. For correctness,
> we can't release these while a reply is not received, since the
> locking expecations of the userspace filesystem would not be met.
> This can be solved by adding shadow locks to fuse that we hold onto
> even after the request is interrupted.

Shadow locking seems to be not enough. For example, we have to postpone
FUSE_RELEASE until all interrupted synchronous I/O is ACKed by
userspace. And similarly we shouldn't surprise userspace by FUSE_DESTROY
if any requests are still in-flight. May be there are other hidden
dependencies that don't come to mind now.


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