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SubjectRe: [patch] x86: Introduce BOOT_EFI and BOOT_CF9 into the reboot sequence loop
On 03/01/2014 05:47 PM, Li, Aubrey wrote:
> Since we are not able to make things worse, let's make it better. So
> Let's dig into this. For the machine hangs by CF9, it's known to work by
> KBD, right? For the machine hangs by BIOS, do you know which method will
> make reboot work?


> The answer will determine the sequence of the list. If BIOS hangs but
> either of ACPI/KBD/EFI/CF9 works, BIOS is behind of those ways. If BIOS
> hangs, no any other way can make it work. BIOS is still the last way.
> If CF9 hangs while ACPI/KBD hangs as well, and BIOS happened to work(do
> we really have one?), the above list still doesn't make things worse,
> reboot=b and dmidecode table still work.

We obviously have been over this a number of times, and the sad thing is
that we have very limited information. It is more complex than that,
even... I believe in some cases KBD works but it is slow, and so takes a


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