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SubjectRe: [RFCv1] Media Token API needs - Was: Re: [alsa-devel] [PATCH v2 5/6] sound/usb: pcm changes to use media token api
Em Tue, 28 Oct 2014 21:42:50 -0200
Mauro Carvalho Chehab <> escreveu:

> Before starting with the description, this is the simplified diagram of
> a media device (without IR, eeprom and other beasts):

As reference, a more complete diagram would be:

| IR |
| IR POLL or DMA |
| devnode input8 |

v |
+----------------+ +-------+-------------------+-----------+
| demod_video | +-----> | tuner | A/V switch | composite |
+----------------+ | +-------+-------------------+-----------+
| | |
| | |
v | v
+--------------+-----+-----------------+ | +------------------+
+- | dvb | DMA | analog | | | demod_audio |
| +--------------+-----+-----------------+ | +------------------+
| ^ | | |
| +---------------+ | | |
| | v | v
| +--------------+ | +----------------+ | +------------------+
+> | devnode dvr0 | | | devnode video0 | | | audio DMA |
+--------------+ | +----------------+ | +------------------+
| | |
| | |
| | v
| | +------------------+
| | | devnode pcmC1D0c |
| | +------------------+
| |
| |
| |
| +--------+--------+-------------------+
| | analog | tuner | digital |
| +--------+--------+-------------------+
| |
| |
| v
| +------------------+
+--------------------------------------- | digital_demux |



Dot file for the above diagram:

digraph media_hardware {
node [shape=record]
DMA1[label = "<dvb> dvb | <dma> DMA | <video> analog"]
DMA2[label = "audio DMA"]
DMA3[label = "IR POLL or DMA"]
tuner[label = "<analog> analog | <tuner> tuner | <digital> digital"]
input[label = "<tuner> tuner | <switch> A/V switch | <composite> composite"]

DMA1:video -> "devnode video0"
DMA1:dvb -> "devnode dvr0"

"digital_demux" -> DMA1:dvb
demod_video -> DMA1:video

tuner:digital -> "digital_demux"
tuner:analog -> input:tuner

input:switch -> demod_video
input:switch -> demod_audio

demod_audio -> DMA2
DMA2 -> "devnode pcmC1D0c"

IR -> DMA3
DMA3 -> "devnode input8"

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