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SubjectRe: [PATCH 14/16] X.509: Add an ASN.1 decoder
James Morris <> wrote:

> I'd like to see some serious effort at code review and testing before this
> code is merged.

With regard to testing, I've run multiple simultaneous instances of a number
of test scripts against it continuously for the best part of a day:

(1) A script to generate completely random data and attempt to stuff that
into a key. The completely random data blob is fed wholly and then
partially in decreasing amounts to keyctl padd. Then the script loops
and starts again.

./ /tmp/data1

(2) A script to generate random valid ASN.1:

while :; do ./ | keyctl padd asymmetric vlad @s; done

(3) A script to generate correctly formatted X.509 certificates filled with
random data, including for the RSA key and signature fields.

while :; do ./ | keyctl padd asymmetric vlad @s; done

(4) A variant of (3) that injects random bytes into the structure, whilst
correctly maintaining the length counts outside of those.

while :; do ./ -i | keyctl padd asymmetric vlad @s; done

(5) A script to repeatedly generate valid X.509 certificates and stuff those
in, and then generate valid PKCS#7 signatures over random data and try to
stuff those in too (which should fail).



# Generate completely random data and attempt to stuff that into a key.
# Format:
# [<tmpfile-prefix>]
if [ "$1" != "" ]

cd /tmp

declare -i n i j k

while true
echo $n $j

dd if=/dev/urandom of=$file bs=$n count=1
for ((i=1; i<n; i=i+k))
dd if=$file bs=$i count=1 2>/dev/null |
keyctl padd asymmetric foo @s 2>/dev/null
if [ $k -eq 10 ]
echo -n .
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Generate random but valid ASN.1 data.
# Format:
# >output
use strict;

my $depth = 0;
my $maxdepth = 12;

print STDERR "SEED: ", srand(), "\n";

# Generate a header
sub emit_asn1_hdr($$)
my ($tag, $len) = @_;
my $output = "";
my $l;

if ($len < 0x80) {
$l = $len;
} elsif ($len <= 0xff) {
$l = 0x81;
} elsif ($len <= 0xffff) {
$l = 0x82;
} elsif ($len <= 0xffffff) {
$l = 0x83;
} else {
$l = 0x84;

$output .= pack("CC", $tag == -1 ? int(rand(255)) & ~0x20 : $tag, $l);
if ($len < 0x80) {
} elsif ($len <= 0xff) {
$output .= pack("C", $len);
} elsif ($len <= 0xffff) {
$output .= pack("n", $len);
} elsif ($len <= 0xffffff) {
$output .= pack("Cn", $len >> 16, $len & 0xffff);
} else {
$output .= pack("N", $len);

return $output;

# Generate a random primitive
sub emit_asn1_prim($)
my ($tag) = @_;
my $output;
my $len = int(rand(255));

$tag = int(rand(255)) & ~0x20
if ($tag == -1);

$output = emit_asn1_hdr($tag, $len);

my $i = $len;
while ($i > 16) {
$output .= "abcdefghijklmnop";
$i -= 16;

$output .= substr("abcdefghijklmnop", 0, $i);
return $output;

# Generate a random construct
sub emit_asn1_cons($);
sub emit_asn1_cons($)
my $output = "";
my $count = int(rand(20));
my ($tag) = @_;

if ($depth >= $maxdepth) {
return emit_asn1_prim($tag);

if ($tag == -1) {
$tag = int(rand(255)) & ~0x20;
if ($tag < 0x40 && $tag != 0x11) {
$tag = 0x10;
$tag |= 0x20;

while ($count > 0) {
if (int(rand(4 + $depth)) == 1) {
$output .= emit_asn1_cons(-1);
} else {
$output .= emit_asn1_prim(-1);

return emit_asn1_hdr($tag, length($output)) . $output;

print emit_asn1_cons(-1);
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Generate validly formatted X.509 certificates filled with mostly random data,
# including for the RSA key and signature fields (so it is extremely improbable
# that key will be useful and the signature will verify).
# If an argument of any sort is passed this will cause random bytes to be
# inserted into the ASN.1 structure (whilst keeping the lengths of the wrapping
# constructed elements correct).
# Format:
# [-i] >output
use strict;

print STDERR "SEED: ", srand(), "\n";

my $do_inject = ($#ARGV == 0);

my $UNIV = 0 << 6;
my $APPL = 1 << 6;
my $CONT = 2 << 6;
my $PRIV = 3 << 6;

my $BOOLEAN = 0x01;
my $INTEGER = 0x02;
my $BIT_STRING = 0x03;
my $OCTET_STRING = 0x04;
my $NULL = 0x05;
my $OBJ_ID = 0x06;
my $UTF8String = 0x0c;
my $SEQUENCE = 0x10;
my $SET = 0x11;
my $UTCTime = 0x17;
my $GeneralizedTime = 0x18;

sub maybe($)
return (int(rand(6)) == 0) ? '' : $_[0];

# Generate a header
sub emit_asn1_hdr($$)
my ($tag, $len) = @_;
my $output = "";
my $l;

if ($len < 0x80) {
$l = $len;
} elsif ($len <= 0xff) {
$l = 0x81;
} elsif ($len <= 0xffff) {
$l = 0x82;
} elsif ($len <= 0xffffff) {
$l = 0x83;
} else {
$l = 0x84;

$output .= pack("CC", $tag == -1 ? int(rand(255)) & ~0x20 : $tag, $l);
if ($len < 0x80) {
} elsif ($len <= 0xff) {
$output .= pack("C", $len);
} elsif ($len <= 0xffff) {
$output .= pack("n", $len);
} elsif ($len <= 0xffffff) {
$output .= pack("Cn", $len >> 16, $len & 0xffff);
} else {
$output .= pack("N", $len);

return $output;

# Generate random data
sub emit_random_data($$)
my ($minlen, $maxlen) = @_;
my $output = '';

my $len = $minlen + int(rand($maxlen - $minlen));

my $i = $len;
while ($i > 16) {
$output .= "abcdefghijklmnop";
$i -= 16;

$output .= substr("abcdefghijklmnop", 0, $i);
return $output;

# Generate a primitive containing some random data
sub emit_asn1_prim(@)
my ($class, $tag, $minlen, $maxlen) = @_;
my $content;

$minlen = 0 if (!$minlen);
$maxlen = 255 if (!$maxlen);
$content = ($tag == $NULL) ? '' : emit_random_data($minlen, $maxlen);

$tag |= $class;
return emit_asn1_hdr($tag, length($content)) . $content;

# Generate an object identifier
my %OIDs = (
commonName => pack("CCC", 85, 4, 3),
countryName => pack("CCC", 85, 4, 6),
organizationName => pack("CCC", 85, 4, 10),
organizationUnitName => pack("CCC", 85, 4, 11),
rsaEncryption => pack("CCCCCCCCC", 42, 134, 72, 134, 247, 13, 1, 1, 1),
sha1WithRSAEncryption => pack("CCCCCCCCC", 42, 134, 72, 134, 247, 13, 1, 1, 5),
authorityKeyIdentifier => pack("CCC", 85, 29, 35),
subjectKeyIdentifier => pack("CCC", 85, 29, 14),
basicConstraints => pack("CCC", 85, 29, 19)

sub emit_asn1_OID($$$)
my ($class, $tag, $oid_name) = @_;
my $oid;
my $len;

if (!exists($OIDs{$oid_name})) {
print STDERR "Unknown OID: $oid_name\n";

$oid = $OIDs{$oid_name};
$len = length($oid);

$tag |= $class;

return emit_asn1_hdr($tag, $len) . $oid;

# Generate a UTC time
sub emit_asn1_utctime($$)
my ($class, $tag) = @_;
my $output = "";
my $len;

for (my $i = 0; $i < 12; $i++) {
$output .= pack("C", int(rand(9)) + 0x30);
$output .= 'Z';

$len = length($output);

$tag |= $class;

return emit_asn1_hdr($tag, $len) . $output;

# Generate a generalized time
sub emit_asn1_gentime($$)
my ($class, $tag) = @_;
my $output = "";
my $len;

for (my $i = 0; $i < 14; $i++) {
$output .= pack("C", int(rand(9)) + 0x30);
$output .= 'Z';

$len = length($output);

$tag |= $class;

return emit_asn1_hdr($tag, $len) . $output;

# Generate a construct
sub emit_asn1_cons($$$)
my ($class, $tag, $content) = @_;
my $inject = '';

if ($do_inject) {
if (int(rand(20)) == 0) {
$inject = pack("C", int(rand(255)));

$tag |= $class | 0x20;
return emit_asn1_hdr($tag, length($content)) . $content . $inject;

# Generate a name
sub emit_x509_AttributeValueAssertion($@)
my ($type, $min, $max) = @_;
my $output;
$output = emit_asn1_OID($UNIV, $OBJ_ID, $type); # attributeType
$output .= emit_asn1_prim($UNIV, $UTF8String, $min, $max); # attributeValue
return emit_asn1_cons($UNIV, $SEQUENCE, $output);

sub emit_x509_RelativeDistinguishedName()
my $output;
# Set of AttributeValueAssertion
$output = emit_x509_AttributeValueAssertion("countryName", 2, 2);
$output .= emit_x509_AttributeValueAssertion("organizationName", 3, 10);
$output .= emit_x509_AttributeValueAssertion("organizationUnitName", 3, 10);
$output .= emit_x509_AttributeValueAssertion("commonName", 4, 16);
return emit_asn1_cons($UNIV, $SET, $output);

sub emit_x509_Name()
my $output;
# Sequence of RDN
$output = emit_x509_RelativeDistinguishedName();
return emit_asn1_cons($UNIV, $SEQUENCE, $output);

# Generate some X.509 extensions
sub emit_x509_SubjectKeyIdentifier()
my $content = emit_asn1_prim($UNIV, $OCTET_STRING, 10, 20);
return $content;

sub emit_x509_AuthorityKeyIdentifier()
my $content = emit_asn1_prim($CONT, 0, 10, 20);
my $wrapper = emit_asn1_cons($UNIV, $SEQUENCE, $content);
return $wrapper;

sub emit_x509_BasicConstraints()
my $content = emit_asn1_prim($UNIV, $BIT_STRING, 1, 7);
return $content;

sub emit_x509_Extension($)
my ($ext) = @_;
my $output;
my $value = "";

if ($ext eq "authorityKeyIdentifier") {
$output = emit_asn1_OID($UNIV, $OBJ_ID, $ext);
$value = emit_x509_AuthorityKeyIdentifier();
} elsif ($ext eq "subjectKeyIdentifier") {
$output = emit_asn1_OID($UNIV, $OBJ_ID, $ext);
$value = emit_x509_SubjectKeyIdentifier();
} elsif ($ext eq "basicConstraints") {
$output = emit_asn1_OID($UNIV, $OBJ_ID, $ext);
$value = emit_x509_BasicConstraints();
} else {
$output = emit_asn1_prim($UNIV, $OBJ_ID, 3, 10);
$value = emit_random_data(10, 20);

$output .= maybe emit_asn1_prim($UNIV, $BOOLEAN, 1, 1); # critical
$output .= emit_asn1_hdr($UNIV | $OCTET_STRING, length($value)) . $value;

return emit_asn1_cons($UNIV, $SEQUENCE, $output);

sub emit_x509_Extensions()
my $output = "";

# Probably do want a sequence of extensions here
$output .= maybe emit_x509_Extension("authorityKeyIdentifier");
$output .= maybe emit_x509_Extension("subjectKeyIdentifier");
$output .= maybe emit_x509_Extension("basicConstraints");
$output .= maybe emit_x509_Extension("");
$output .= maybe emit_x509_Extension("");
$output .= maybe emit_x509_Extension("");
$output .= maybe emit_x509_Extension("");

return emit_asn1_cons($CONT, 3, emit_asn1_cons($UNIV, $SEQUENCE, $output));

# Generate an X.509 certificate
sub emit_x509_Time()
# UTCTime or GeneralizedTime
if (int(rand(2)) == 0) {
return emit_asn1_utctime($UNIV, $UTCTime);
} else {
return emit_asn1_gentime($UNIV, $GeneralizedTime);

sub emit_x509_Validity()
my $output;
$output = emit_x509_Time(); # notBefore
$output .= emit_x509_Time(); # notAfter
return emit_asn1_cons($UNIV, $SEQUENCE, $output);

sub emit_x509_AlgorithmIdentifier($)
my ($oid) = @_;
my $output;

#$output = emit_asn1_prim($UNIV, $OBJ_ID); # algorithm
$output = emit_asn1_OID($UNIV, $OBJ_ID, $oid); # algorithm
$output .= emit_asn1_prim($UNIV, $NULL); # parameters
return emit_asn1_cons($UNIV, $SEQUENCE, $output);

sub emit_x509_Version()
my $output = emit_asn1_prim($UNIV, $INTEGER, 0, 3);
return emit_asn1_cons($CONT, 0, $output);

sub emit_x509_SubjectPublicKeyInfo()
my $output;
$output = emit_x509_AlgorithmIdentifier("rsaEncryption"); # algorithm
$output .= emit_asn1_prim($UNIV, $BIT_STRING); # subjectPublicKey
return emit_asn1_cons($UNIV, $SEQUENCE, $output);

sub emit_x509_TBSCertificate()
my $output;

$output = emit_x509_Version; # version
$output .= emit_asn1_prim($UNIV, $INTEGER); # serialNumber
$output .= emit_x509_AlgorithmIdentifier("sha1WithRSAEncryption"); # signature
$output .= emit_x509_Name(); # issuer
$output .= emit_x509_Validity(); # validity
$output .= emit_x509_Name(); # subject
$output .= emit_x509_SubjectPublicKeyInfo(); # subjectPublicKeyInfo
$output .= maybe emit_asn1_prim($CONT, 1); # issuerUniqueID
$output .= maybe emit_asn1_prim($CONT, 2); # subjectUniqueID
$output .= emit_x509_Extensions(); # extensions

return emit_asn1_cons($UNIV, $SEQUENCE, $output);

sub emit_x509_Certificate()
my $output;

$output = emit_x509_TBSCertificate(); # tbsCertificate
$output .= emit_x509_AlgorithmIdentifier("sha1WithRSAEncryption"); # signatureAlgorithm
$output .= emit_asn1_prim($UNIV, $BIT_STRING); # signature

return emit_asn1_cons($UNIV, $SEQUENCE, $output);

print emit_x509_Certificate();
# Generate an X.509 certificate and stuff that into a key, then generate a
# PKCS#7 cert from that over some random data and stuff that into a key.
# Format:
# [<tmpfile-prefix>]
if [ "$1" != "" ]

cd /tmp

while true
openssl req -new -x509 -outform PEM -keyout $file.pem -nodes -subj "/CN=GB/O=Red Hat/OU=Magrathea/CN=Slartibartfast" -out $file.x509 || exit $?

openssl x509 -in $file.x509 -inform PEM -outform DER >$file.x509.asn1 || exit $?
keyctl padd asymmetric bar @s <$file.x509.asn1 || exit $?

if [ $n -lt 10 ]; then n=10; fi
dd if=/dev/urandom of=$file.stuff bs=$n count=1

openssl smime -sign -inkey $file.pem -signer $file.x509 -keyform PEM \
-in $file.stuff -out $file.pkcs7 -binary -outform DER || exit $?

keyctl padd asymmetric baz @s <$file.pkcs7
 \ /
  Last update: 2012-09-20 12:21    [W:0.070 / U:0.308 seconds]
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